So I just finished reading under the dome and all I can do is compare it to Star Trek. Not necessarily in a good way either. One of the things I hated about Trek was that it took what promised to be a really good story, told in the first 35-40 minutes of the show, and completely wrap it up in a nice little bow in the last 5 minutes. For example in one episode they have the Enterprise having it's entire life support system being sucked away by an alien baby and you are thinking it is going to be destroyed. Oh my God, what are they going to do. There are so many ways this story could go, all of which could carry on for several more episodes. But of course they come up with a "Magic Bullet" which solves the whole thing and leaves you asking "WTF". That is kind of the way I felt at the end of this book. I am not going to give away the ending but seriously Stephen... WTF